We have been on a journey since March 5th, exploring the lessons of Daniel through Dr. Pulley’s book, Daniel: A Model of Kingdom Leadership. Through this experience we have seen what leadership looks like under pressure. Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego were captives pressed into service by the Babylonian government.
While they held high posts because of their skill and talent, they, in the end, were not free. Often others sought to create chaos around them, even going so far as to accuse them of disrespecting through their observance of their religious dietary laws.
What they show us through their example is what leadership looks like under pressure. They model for us how to hold to our principles, regardless of the outside circumstances.
We invite you to take this journey with us. We have been holding consciousness for 50 people. As of the writing of this post, we have 43 souls journeying with us. We are so close to 50! Won’t you join us?
Follow this link [https://onrealm.org/UPChurch/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=N2Q4MDczODMtODRiOS00MDI3LTljZTctYjI3MTAxM2JhNThj] or use the QR code above to register and get locked in. It’s not too late to transform yourself into the leader you were designed to be.