I have no tact except the exercise of gentleness.

Oracle of Sumiyoshu

Harmony is the automatic action of Spirit, and in me this action now manifests.  The universe is order, harmony and peace.  Despite my present affairs, I now acknowledge this, and act from this premise.  If the sun never fails to shine, the tide to rise and fall in the sea, then neither can my few matters be disturbed nor upset.  God’s universal Law of Order is now in me, through me and around me.  It is my peace of mind; it is the order in all things I do.  Having this peace, I now share it with others.  My whole mental atmosphere is radiant with peace.  My home, my office and my entire environment are bathed in it.  This peace, born of God, is infectious and my fellowman receives it.

I have a poised, balanced mind in a poised balanced body.  God’s eternal harmony and order are mine, and I let them express through me.  My family and co-workers sense this and are healed by this.  Peace flowing out from me heals everyone I contact.  It is a subtle, soothing balm to all their fears and doubts.  They feel better for having spoken to me or clasped my hand.  Every room I enter is alive with Divine Harmony and Order.  God’s Presence is made alive by the Truth I know and the Love I emanate.  Power flows to the weak, positive conclusions flow to the uncertain, and God’s omnipotence is made visible.  The whole Spirit of God in every man is quickened into right action.

I walk this day as a Divine Creation.  Nothing in me can confuse, for God alone is the center of my thinking.  My Divinity is obvious, my peace blesses all.  Life flows easily, and all things work together for good.  Radiating peace, I am a blessing to all and a problem to none.  A warm welcome awaits me where ever I go.  Joy greets me in every face, and co-operation appears everywhere.  I see nothing but peace as I look at the people around me. They too, are centered and grounded in the one universal order and harmony of God.  Sensing the eternal good, my friends join with me in silently acknowledging it.  We are all of One Mind now, and together we bring peace to all who are hurt and confused.  This is my job this day.      

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker

Dec. 17, 2022 – I AM MIND IN ACTION



According as one acts, according as one conducts himself, so does he become.

Brihadaranyka Upanishad

In the midst of me is the Spirit of the Lord.  To me It offers Itself without limitation.  “All that the Father hath is mine.”  It forever presses upon me all its ideas and they find me a willing vehicle of expression. At every instant I am urged to be my greater self.  At every instant I am bidden to let God shine through as health, peace and creative self-expression.  The unlimited action of truth is the true source of my life.  I see this, know this, and act according to this.  I let my mind be inspired by a Wisdom greater than its present knowledge.  I see ideas as the cause of all experience, and control them to produce what I want, when I want it.  I am Mind in action.

Mind offers me all of Its Being.  Every Idea in the universe is available to me.  What I need to know today is already offered to me.  I now receive the ideas of God and give them welcome.  I open the doors of my thinking and let Divine Inspiration flow into my mind.  New vistas appear around me, as new ideas are born within me.  I have confidence, I have security.  Nothing is withheld from me, and to me comes Omniscience.  I am consciousness knowing Truth.  I am the creative process through which God acts as Mind. I am a thinker in a universal medium of mental law, and as such I alone control my destiny.  God wants me to be free, but I must accept His Ideas in order to be free.  I now do this.

I can be all things which I desire, for the ideas I need are already mine.  My consciousness is inspired by the Mind from which all things proceed.  Unto me is given the greatness of Spirit, and the way of creative accomplishment.  I deny all barriers to my success.  God sees none, and I refuse to accept them.  I join my thinking with the Divine Thinker and experience happiness here and now.  All that I have sought is found.  In me now is the answer to every question, and the solution of every problem.  I think clearly, act wisely and let my good happen.  Inspired by Mind, I think success, peace and prosperity.  I am Mind in action, for this is the inner meaning of the term “Son of God,” and this I am named by Him who created me. 

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker


DECEMBER 16         


But there is spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

Job 32:8

INSPIRATION is the act of the Infinite through man.  I now open my whole consciousness to it.  I let God give me the ideas I need to handle the questions of today.  From early morning until late at night, I am directed to right action through His Mind which indwells me.  Forever abiding in God’s Mind, I cannot fail through His Mind which indwells me.  Forever abiding in His Love, I cannot fail but understand my fellowman.  I look out upon a wonderful world alive with more good than I ever supposed.  Every contact today is a blessing to me, and to everyone I bring a larger peace and a greater joy.  Filled with the freshness of Mind, I give new impressions to my everyday tasks.

I refuse to believe that I shall meet problems.  I see these as tests of my ability to inaugurate a new idea born of God.  Each moment brings me the chance to live as a spiritual being of integrity.  The idea I need at this moment, I have.  The idea I shall need every moment of this day, I shall have.  God meets me in the hour, the moment and the instant of my need.  His inspiration is my security to handle all things rightly and all things lovingly.  What I see as a problem, God sees as an opportunity to release His Intelligence.  Knowing this, I am confident and serene.  Neither a person nor a situation can confound me.  I silently turn within and find the spiritual answer.

I welcome new ideas, for they mean a greater good for me.  They press upon me, they draw nigh unto me.  His Knowledge is available to me now, and I let It be in me a vital source of ideas.  Wisdom is mine to use, and I use it.  I cannot make a mistake today, for God’s omniscient Mind is my mind now.  We are one, and in this oneness, I am lead to right answers.  Immediate right guidance is mine.  I do not need to beseech, I only need to know that He in me is all in all.  Rejoicing in this perfect supply of inspiration, I cannot fail.  Where I am at every moment, His Mind is.  This is my security; this is my peace.  Conclusions born of God make easy my way.  I am receptive to God’s Ideas.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




The superior man by determined good conduct nourishes his virtue.

I Ching 4: Immaturity

Today is the day which I prove that the power of Mind is greater than the power of material belief.  What I face today, and the mental attitude in which I face it, will determine my experience today.  I cannot blame my mistakes on the past.  The subtle deceit of so doing entices me, but I refuse to believe it.  I am not conditioned by my childhood, I am only conditioned by my present thinking.  The past with all its combination of good and bad is now only a force of creative memory.  What I have been is merely an indication of what I should be and shall be. No false glamorization of the past, only my recognition of the Now as potent with possibilities.  My present world is good.

My future is not dependent upon my past.  It is dependent upon my ability to think God’s thoughts today.  I know what I want to accomplish, and I know the way I shall go.  Today, I think as Cause to the tomorrow which will be in effect.  My aims are clear, my goal is in sight.  I can become the person God intended me to become, and what I shall be will be good, creative and honest.  I look forward to my full demonstration, and I think today in tomorrow’s terms.  I live now as though my dreams were true, for they are true.

God in me, acting through me, is the doer of the present moment.  Right where I am, God is.  In my thinking at this moment Divine Mind is the real thinker.  Around me is the plastic substance of all like, and I mold it this day to bring forth what I want.  The Law of mind is mine to use and to employ.  Today’s thinking brings forth tomorrow’s demonstration.  So, I look out at my present experience and name it good.  It is my only place to start, and I begin to give God to my day.  Recognizing each hour as my possibility to prove Truth, I think as Spirit and act as Love.  I do not hesitate to deny evil and affirm the good.  I watch my thought and handle negatives.  I see Good in my present experience.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




See truth as it is and be forever free of opposition and contention.

Garland Sutra 11

I am my only enemy.  My wrong beliefs about life cause me to strain and struggle with my problems.  I decide right now to let the effortless Power of Mind act through me, and give me my freedom from struggle.  No more weariness, no more “working for a living.”  This I have discarded.  From now on I shall let the Truth control  my life.  My burden is easy and my way is light because of this decision.  My human thinking steps aside to let in God’s healing thought.  Weary of humanity, I now seek my own Divinity.  In me is the Power of God.  It created me to act through me, and I let It act.  God knows no difficulties, nor do I.  The universe displays an effortless action of Intelligence and cohesion.  This is true of my world around me, so it must be true of the world within me.

Infinite Mind has no useless Ideas, so I am of value to this world.  I now let God’s purpose create me into the being It had planned me to be.  Whiter I go Divine Wisdom knows, and what I shall be the Divine Plan has prepared.  This now takes over all my thinking and feeling, and I become the Son of god that Mind intended me to be.  Turning over all my human decisions to the Divine Knowing is easy, and Its ways make my pathway clear. I no longer struggle to be my human self.  I let God in me be whatever It has planned for me to be.  Divine Wisdom guides me, Divine Love enfolds me, and success is all that can be before me.  I let God decide.

The effortless power of the Spirit is mine to use and to enjoy.  I give it directions to produce for me health, prosperity and happiness.  This it does, because God acts at my level of consciousness.  In me God loves to be healthy.  In me God wants to be freedom in finance.  In me God wants to be love.  As an individualized outlet of the Spirit, I now take my rightful place in life.  I cease all human efforts to be good, and I let the Divine in me be what It wants to be.  God knows my next step, and reveals it.  I relax and let Mind reveal Its next idea.  God will produce my good, when I let Him do it, and this I now do.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all humanity.

Job 12:10

The universe is a friendly system.  Love offers itself to me through every person in my world.  God gives of Himself through people.  I can give of God to all whom I meet today.  My face will reveal my inner peace and joy.  My walk will reveal my sense of security in the Divine Presence.  My smile will reveal the friendliness I have for my fellowman.  Whoever sees me is richer by the sight.  I radiate the qualities of the Spirit and these alone are imparted to others.  No one can find faults in me, because I have only good to give and only love to share.  I am the representative of God walking among His beloved creations.  God in me greets the God in them.

I refuse to sit in judgment upon my fellowman.  I let his business be his business and not mine.  I condemn no one.  I have faith that each is doing the best he can at his own level of consciousness.  I silently recognize the Spirit in man, and at the same time give him his freedom of self-expression.  With my eyes fastened on God’s possibility in man, I see that which heals and evolves him.  Beholding the real Man, my neighbor becomes Him, and in this becoming I am raised to new heights.  His opinions of me are not important, for I know my spiritual worth.  I walk forward on the pathway of Truth, whether my neighbor knows this or not.  I create my own destiny.

Whoever contacts me finds good in me.  I am a radiating center of creative Intelligence and Love.  No one criticizes me nor condemns me.  Everyone gives me the freedom to be myself.  My friends increase my faith in God, and my conviction of my own worth.  All people find the good in me, for I now release all self-opinionated beliefs.  I know that I am right when I am one with a Divine Purpose and a righteous activity.  My friends are a joy to my soul, and I can only give them my highest thought and my greatest love.  No one ever hurts me nor confuses me, for I behold the Christ in them.  Outer actions never confuse me, because I am seeking the inner Spirit in all.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




To love is to know Me, My innermost nature, the truth that I am.

The Bhagavad-Gita

All of God is where I am, and all of Good is offered to me.  I waste no more time seeking the Truth, for I am in It and It is in me.  The present thinking is God’s Intelligence and God’s Love.  My present thinking is God’s channel of action. My present mood is the way Love acts through me.  I now think as God thinks, and feel as God feels.  The simplicity of this is hard to believe, but it is the truth.  I need no mystical contemplation of a Deity, I need only to think straight.  I need no special mood or feeling, Love is already flowing through my present emotions. I rejoice in my ability to let God out into His world through my mind and emotions.

Immersed in Intelligence, I act as intelligence.  Mind in process through me demonstrates what I select.  Thinking in terms of what I want, the Law of Mind now produces it.  Feeling the goodness of Life, I now experience it.  It is right where I am, and is already in action.  I only pray to recognize what is already being done, and to give my life right direction and meaning. My recognition of Truth is the Truth in action.  As I know It, It is my experience instantly.  God does not come to me, for I have always been Its vehicle.  “Look unto me” is the way, and “This do” is the technique.   

Immersed in Divine Love, I am loving.  The Infinite is no respector of persons, so I now love all my co-workers, my family and my friends.  Life insists that I do this.  Mind challenges me to do this.  I know that faults are easy to behold, but I now train my consciousness to seek virtues.  Everyone I know has great good within them.  I seek this good, for it alone will endure.  I now assume my rightful place in the scheme of things.  Mind thinks through me, and Love acts as me.  The responsibility is mine to think this day with clarity, and to love this day with fullness.  Nothing can hinder this decision on my part.  Intelligence quickens me to seeing the Truth in my fellowman, and to thinking rightly about myself and my world of affairs.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




He has attendant angels, before him and behind him, watching over him by God’s command.

The Koran

The Creative Power is a mathematically exact power.  I may strive to have my own way, but in the long run God always has His way.  The Law of Mind cannot be broken, and the ways of Mind cannot be used for my own selfish ends.  There is a divine Law of balance forever maintained.  My petty likes and dislikes have no power and no reality.  The Divine Design of my life will manifest for me, whether I see the way or not.  If I run roughshod over my fellowman in my greediness for more good, I shall only have a setback.  There is nothing in God which allows me, as Its creation, to play with spiritual dynamite.  The Law remains undisturbed by my hysterics.

The balance of my thought and emotions is required by the universe.  Creation refuses good to the unbalanced individual.  Divine Wisdom is forever in balance with Divine Love.  Is my present plan consistent with both Wisdom and Love?  If it is, then I shall prosper.  If it is not, then all my efforts are in vain.  Balance will be maintained in me and my affairs, whether I like it or not.  No individual can shake the foundations of this world which are set in Law and Order.  I must be balanced to be effective, and now I let all the Wisdom and Love of God maintain me in balance.

I affirm right motives in all that I do.  The Infinite wants me to be happy, successful and at peace.  My right motives will let Divine Action take place through me, and I now do just that.  Receptive to the perfect Will, I am inspired to perfect control of mind and emotions.  This assures me of success and peace.  Balanced in my innermost parts of consciousness, order appears at the circumference of my life.  Now I can be what I want to be.  This is the day of my demonstration.  No longer do situations dominate me, for Mind is in charge and Love is the power of my life.  Intelligence directs me and feeling moves me through the mist of confusions into the answer I seek.  I am balanced.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




What knoweth thou, that we know not?  What understandeth thou, which is not in us?

Job 15:9

The unlimited action of the Spirit works through me, and even I cannot hinder Its perfect results.  The Divine processes cannot be altered nor confused by me.  The Omnipotence of God cannot be stopped by my will.  Its action can be directed, but its flow will never cease.  I now direct It into constructive channels that bless and benefit me and my fellowman.  All that God is happens as me.  I now assume my rightful place in the Divine Order of life and let Power move through me into beneficent action.  I am never a handicap to God.  Nothing in me can impede the perfect Mind.  Divine Ideas use me as a clear outlet for their completion.  Heaven is happening to me at every instant.

I am a center in the Infinite Mind and the Love of God.  Every time I am confused and hurt, I prevent the action of Good in my life.  Knowing this, I resolve today to cease from all such futile actions on my part.  God needs me and wants me as His creative expression, and this I am.  Every positive idea finds acceptance and clearance in my thinking.  Every desire to love and to be loved finds a response in my soul. No more impediments within me, the Allness of Truth finds me and uses me for Its perfect ends.  The windows of my mind are open wide to the Divine Influx of inspiration.  The doors of my subconscious are ajar to let in the Divine Patterns which make me a whole person.  I accept my Heaven.

The stars at night shine upon the just and the unjust.  The eternal Goodness of the Creative Process offers Itself to me without judgment.  My past is not Its concern.  My present alone is sought by the Divine Wisdom and the Divine Action.  Today It wants me to be like Itself.  This challenge I accept.  I agree to let God be in me what His Intelligence wants to be.  I know that this will make me a greater person, a finer instrument for goodness and a wider avenue of love.  I place nothing in the path of the Eternal.  I fear no evil, for God is with me, and God is what I am.  All doors are open; all ideas are coming to me.  Today is alive with Truth and the future is secure.  I am open and receptive to the Divine Inflow.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker




The virtuous, excellent man cheerfully attains the state of the gods.

Uttaradhyayana Sutra 7.21

Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom.  It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort.  I like money, and I appreciate the money I use.  I like all people who have money, spend money and enjoy the use of money.  I like the comfort and luxuries of life, and I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous.  I do not want another’s money, because God gives me the ability to earn my own.  My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperity consciousness.  I receive money with appreciation, and I spend my money with wisdom.  I know that God is my source and that more money flows in to fill my every need.  Money is God in action.

I think in large and generous terms.  Realizing my thinking determines my experience, I now let money appear in all possible ways.  My faith determines my fortune.  All of God offers Itself to me, and my financial ease is a part of God’s loving care of me.  I rejoice when I pay my bills. I see each bill as an avenue for releasing abundance into a good channel.  Everyone I owe has faith in me, and I am worthy of that faith.  I pay my bills on time and with joy.  I love to release the good which has come to me.  Money is mine to use, but not to own.  It circulates in my life with accuracy and ease.  God’s money comes to me in order that I shall pay it out.  Money is God’s ease in my life.

The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom, because God is the Source and Continuance of good.  The Mind which created me sustains me.  I use money for the Glory of God, and good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience. I do not worship it, nor overevaluate it. I see it as a means if exchange.  I have no fear of lack, for always God prospers an alert mind.  Recognizing the spiritual value in money, it increases in my world.  Money received and spent with wisdom is the circulation of ease for man.  I have a right to this ease, and I claim it.   The things that money can buy will make my life richer and easier.  I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money.  Money is God’s way of making my life free.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker





The virtuous, excellent man cheerfully attains the state of the gods.

Uttaradhyayana Sutra 7.21

Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom.  It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort.  I like money, and I appreciate the money I use.  I like all people who have money, spend money and enjoy the use of money.  I like the comfort and luxuries of life, and I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous.  I do not want another’s money, because God gives me the ability to earn my own.  My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperity consciousness.  I receive money with appreciation, and I spend my money with wisdom.  I know that God is my source and that more money flows in to fill my every need.  Money is God in action.

I think in large and generous terms.  Realizing my thinking determines my experience, I now let money appear in all possible ways.  My faith determines my fortune.  All of God offers Itself to me, and my financial ease is a part of God’s loving care of me.  I rejoice when I pay my bills. I see each bill as an avenue for releasing abundance into a good channel.  Everyone I owe has faith in me, and I am worthy of that faith.  I pay my bills on time and with joy.  I love to release the good which has come to me.  Money is mine to use, but not to own.  It circulates in my life with accuracy and ease.  God’s money comes to me in order that I shall pay it out.  Money is God’s ease in my life.

The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom, because God is the Source and Continuance of good.  The Mind which created me sustains me.  I use money for the Glory of God, and good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience. I do not worship it, nor overevaluate it. I see it as a means if exchange.  I have no fear of lack, for always God prospers an alert mind.  Recognizing the spiritual value in money, it increases in my world.  Money received and spent with wisdom is the circulation of ease for man.  I have a right to this ease, and I claim it.   The things that money can buy will make my life richer and easier.  I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money.  Money is God’s way of making my life free.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker


The virtuous, excellent man cheerfully attains the state of the gods.

Uttaradhyayana Sutra 7.21

Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom.  It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort.  I like money, and I appreciate the money I use.  I like all people who have money, spend money and enjoy the use of money.  I like the comfort and luxuries of life, and I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous.  I do not want another’s money, because God gives me the ability to earn my own.  My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperity consciousness.  I receive money with appreciation, and I spend my money with wisdom.  I know that God is my source and that more money flows in to fill my every need.  Money is God in action.

I think in large and generous terms.  Realizing my thinking determines my experience, I now let money appear in all possible ways.  My faith determines my fortune.  All of God offers Itself to me, and my financial ease is a part of God’s loving care of me.  I rejoice when I pay my bills. I see each bill as an avenue for releasing abundance into a good channel.  Everyone I owe has faith in me, and I am worthy of that faith.  I pay my bills on time and with joy.  I love to release the good which has come to me.  Money is mine to use, but not to own.  It circulates in my life with accuracy and ease.  God’s money comes to me in order that I shall pay it out.  Money is God’s ease in my life.

The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom, because God is the Source and Continuance of good.  The Mind which created me sustains me.  I use money for the Glory of God, and good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience. I do not worship it, nor overevaluate it. I see it as a means if exchange.  I have no fear of lack, for always God prospers an alert mind.  Recognizing the spiritual value in money, it increases in my world.  Money received and spent with wisdom is the circulation of ease for man.  I have a right to this ease, and I claim it.   The things that money can buy will make my life richer and easier.  I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money.  Money is God’s way of making my life free.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker