Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just live by his faith.
Habakkuk 2:4
Faith in God, the Good, is natural to man. Instinctively man knows that the Mind which created him works through him. I now declare my faith in God, and I prove this faith through my actions. My full attention is now devoted to seeing good everywhere and in all people. I know that within me God upholds my search for Truth and guides me all the way. I know that the Divine Plan for me is in action; and I have complete trust in God. Only good surrounds me, and only good comes to me. I am assured of perfect peace and complete prosperity, for I fear not.
I refuse to worry this day. Despite all the negatives that may claim my attention, I shall not deviate from my affirmations of faith. One Power alone is active within me and my affairs. One mind alone rules and governs my life. Nothing but God is true, and nothing but good will happen. The Lord is with me and upholds me in every situation. Everything that needs to be done, shall be done, on time and with ease. Every need will be met by the Spirit, which works through me. God in me is equal to every demand made upon Him. I am certain of this.
I trust the great Law of mind to bring my demonstrations to pass without any worry on my part. I declare the Truth and the Law produces the Truth in my world. Never again will I question my own ability to make my demonstrations. God honors my thought, and the Law produces it. Calmly I face today, and declare it to be the best day I have ever known. My good is where I am, and it is now revealing itself to me. Freed of worry and filled with faith, I have a heavenly experience today.