O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8
The Bible stresses the necessity of forgiveness. This key idea is necessary to a fully developed and well-balanced viewpoint. We cannot go ahead while looking backward. Those who have offended us are merely the symbols of our own inner mistakes. They bear witness to the times wherein we have failed to remember God in our fellowman. The truly spiritual person is never hurt by others, so there is no forgiveness necessary for him. Only those who are still on the pathway from matter to Mind need to learn how to forgive. The true metaphysician has erased the possibility of seeing evil in his fellowman, and has gone beyond forgiveness into complete spiritual understanding. We can do this today. It may not be easy, and it may not be quick, but it can be done if we see God and His Christ in every man we see. This is the forward look; this is the upward reach. It lifts us to the very hills of the Lord.
My consciousness is governed and controlled by a Law of Mind. Through this Law I am able to destroy evil and establish all good. I now think deeply of all who have hurt, annoyed or confused me. To them I say that I am sorry that I failed to see God in them and around them. I release freely from my mind all thought against any man. I behold each one in my world as the son of God, expressing the Truth of Life. I am forgiven, for I have forgiven my neighbor, and I have found God where I formerly believe error to exist. I praise and bless the good of all whom I know. Divine Love in me reaches out and enfolds them in understanding and peace. I now am at peace with God and man.