“Let me admonish you, first of all, to go alone; to refuse the good models, even those which are sacred in the imagination of men, and dare to love God without mediator or veil.”
I love God, and I appreciate the Inspiration which His Mind is pouring into mine. Without this inner source of refreshment, I would soon experience stagnation and failure. With my keen knowledge of the Spirit I face only pathways of pleasant success and certain abundance. Many may call me irreligious, but I do not care. Dearer than all else is the knowledge that I am the Son of the Father and unto me He gives all of Himself in full measure. Of this I am certain now and forevermore.
I have courage to put new ideas into practice. I dare to act as a spiritual being would act, for I am one who knows his Divine origin. The world may not understand me, and may even condemn me, but I stand unmoved in my determination to prove that God is the only Power there is. My thinking is forward and my actions are creative. Nothing stands between me and my desired accomplishments, for I am an open channel for the inflow and the outflow of God. The Lord God Omnipotent operates through me. My Spirit and I together walk as one united activity of life.
In a world that is weary of the commonplace, I originate new conditions of good. I inaugurate God’s Ideas in a material world, and its seeming materiality melts away and reveals my heaven here and now. My faith is great and I am determined to break new paths through the wilderness of human opinions. There is a Light that leads me on, when all would turn me back. I am an undaunted, inspired and creative expression of Infinite Mind. I need not to be understood by men, for I am understood by the indwelling Spirit which motivates me. Pioneering in the ways of Truth, I prove for all to see that the greatness of God does dwell in the hearts of all.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker