Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isaiah 26:3
All that is good is available to man. God never limits Himself and God never limits man. Man is consciousness in the One Mind, and all Ideas are given unto him. I now choose to live with wisdom today, by selecting only true ideas to function in my mind. No one governs my thinking but myself. No one forces me to worry, or forces me to have faith. Either of these is mine as I select. I chose faith, for I know that I am maintained by the Power of the universe. I have full confidence that my life is rich in goodness, and prospered by love. My faith in God keeps my mind positive.
I choose health today. Right thinking is spiritual medicine. My thoughts are worthy of God, and a blessing to man. My whole consciousness is positive and constructive. I know that health is God’s free gift to me. I know that my body responds to my thought, and wholeness is mine. Fatigue is impossible, for strength never fails me. Disease is no more, for there is nothing in me to cause it. Joyous, healthy ideas saturate my consciousness, and God’s Life saturates my body. God’s presence in the weather blesses me. Heat and cold do not affect me, for my life is warm with love.
I choose to be a blessing today. Every act I perform brings good to someone. Every thought I think brings healing to my fellowman. I know that God uses me as a mighty channel of good, and I love to do the works of Him who sent me. I let my Light shine so that all people, seeing my good works, will glorify God. Love fills my heart, and power fills my mind. Richly I give to my world, and richly my world gives to me. Wisdom, born of the Spirit, is mine. I have chosen Him who will never fail me. I love to live the Life of God.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker