So heed God, you men of wits, so that you may prosper.
The Koran
The unlimited action of God surrounds me on every hand, and I rejoice to see it. It merely seeks my recognition to become my experience today. Resolutely I turn to the Good, the Perfect and the True, and claim these as my world and my experience. They respond with ease for they await my acceptance to be real to me. God’s beauty is in every person; God’s Intelligence is in everything; and God’s unalterable Law is maintaining order. All this is mine, for It created me to rejoice in it and be glad.
Perfect good surrounds me, perfect life acts through me. I can make every dream come true and ever demonstration come to pass. No restrictions, save my own inabilities to see God in all and through all. I lift my eyes and behold greatness in every man, and healing in every heart. The peace which has never been disturbed is now revealed to me. The Divine Plan is now obvious to me, and I am amazed at what I can be. I can move with ease, for all Life is impelling me forward into new and greater experiences. Now, I see the nothingness of evil, the stupidity of blaming the past and accepting limitation in the future. This will never confuse me again, for the allness of God is mine today.
In this heaven of God’s Presence is revealed my own possibilities. I will become the person God intended me to be. There is nothing to prevent my perfect spiritual evolution. I grow in grace each hour, and I find more and more of God in my present environment. Where yesterday I saw a problem, today I see a possibility. I am at ease. Life is more fully mine than ever before, and I never cease to thank God for all that His Mind has revealed to me.
Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker