Lent 2025 – Day 18

We have been on a journey since March 5th, exploring the lessons of Daniel through Dr. Pulley’s book, Daniel: A Model of Kingdom Leadership. Through this experience we have seen what leadership looks like under pressure. Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego were captives pressed into service by the Babylonian government.

While they held high posts because of their skill and talent, they, in the end, were not free. Often others sought to create chaos around them, even going so far as to accuse them of disrespecting through their observance of their religious dietary laws.

What they show us through their example is what leadership looks like under pressure. They model for us how to hold to our principles, regardless of the outside circumstances.

We invite you to take this journey with us. We have been holding consciousness for 50 people. As of the writing of this post, we have 43 souls journeying with us. We are so close to 50! Won’t you join us?

Follow this link [https://onrealm.org/UPChurch/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=N2Q4MDczODMtODRiOS00MDI3LTljZTctYjI3MTAxM2JhNThj] or use the QR code above to register and get locked in. It’s not too late to transform yourself into the leader you were designed to be.

Summer Spiritual Education Classes 2024

Register Today for Classes – ONLINE

The Infinite Power to Be Rich

Do you have a pressing need is for money, and are seeking to claim the riches life has in store for you?  Do you who want immediate results and are willing to put into application some simple down-to-earth techniques? Then this class is for you.

Study and take action and you will open the way for yourself in grander, finer, happier, richer, and nobler living.

Date: Sundays at 1 p.m. Pacific beginning June 23, 2024

Teacher: Rev. John Downey, III

Required Text: The Infinite Power to be Rich by Joseph Murphy. Available on Amazon.

Bible 6: New Testament Metaphysical, Part 2

Learn the tools and techniques to find the deeper meaning in the scripture in this hands-on metaphysical Bible study course. We will cover the metaphysical teachings of Jesus, and focus on Acts through Revelation.

Date: Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Pacific beginning June 25, 2024

Teacher: Rev. Sheree Thompson

Required Text: Be Ye Transformed by Elizabeth Sand Turner; Book can be purchased on Amazon.

Supplemental texts: Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Fillmore; and Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore

The Dynamic Laws of Prayer

Are you ready to uncover the dynamic laws of prayer? Prayer deals primarily with the states of mind and laws of mental activity that rule your world. Prayer changes your mentality; it first changes your thinking as it calms, uplifts and renews you. This is one of the purposes of prayer — to change your thinking, which in turn changes your world. Unlock these laws in this powerful class. 

Date: Saturdays at 9 a.m. Pacific beginning June 29, 2024

Teacher: Angela Jones

Required Text: Dynamic Laws of Prayer by Catherine Ponder – The book can be purchased on Amazon.

Student Award Day 2024

Student Awards Day is June 23, 2024 and is our opportunity to acknowledge growth and support life-long learning for members and frequent visitors of UP Church.  If you have excelled in spiritual education, academics, extra-curricular activities or in your profession, we want to acknowledge you. Please complete this form for you, your child or your student. We will create awards for the students from UP Church and honor them during service.

Submissions due: June 18, 2024



them up!


Direct your questions to Rev. Sheree (revsheree@upchurch.org).

Lent 2024: BELIEVE!

Transform Your Life with the

‘Lent 2024: Believe!’ Spiritual Intensive


The cost for this program is only $50. That’s just about a dollar per day for a transformative experience. In honor of this being our 11th year of studying together, register by Monday, February 20 for an $11 discount using coupon code: LENT1111 bringing your cost down to only $39!

Imagine a Life Where You Believe in Your Infinite Potential

Signing up for ‘Lent 2024: Believe!’ will help you unlock your potential and achieve your heart’s desires.

Will you dare to BELIEVE?

Believe more deeply in God.

Believe more deeply in yourself.

Believe more deeply in your dream.

Watch the Kickoff Lesson Sermon

Lent 2024 Kickoff Lesson with Rev. Sheree Thompson

What is Lent?

The purpose of Lent is to cleanse and discipline both mind and body toward the end of making them more receptive to Christ ideas. When we fast from negativity and focus on a God idea, we open the way for more of that God idea to express in our lives.

In our 46-day experience, we fast, feast and focus!

How to get the most out of this experience?

You will get the most from this journey if you join the Consciousness Builder calls every morning, do the Soul Maintenance Work in the kit and engage in our Facebook Group.
Purchase The Book: Greater Works: Miracles, Signs & Wonders by Dr. Doral Pulley
Prayer: Your Spiritual Toolbox is the text for class. We will work with this each day. You can purchase it from Amazon in paperback or Kindle format.

Join the BELIEF Builder Every Morning

Belief Builders are 30-minute interactive Zoom calls occurring live at 7 a.m. Pacific on weekdays and 8 a.m Pacific on weekends. Calls begin Wednesday, February 14 and occur daily through Easter Sunday, March 31.

Do your Soul Work

You will receive your Weekly Toolkit that includes the daily inspiration and activities and resources for the week. This will be uploaded to our online classroom.

Join the Facebook Group

For interactive discussion with everyone in the experience, please join the Facebook Group. It’s the easiest way to stay connected and receive information.
Click here to join our Facebook Group: Lent 2024: Believe

What if I miss the Morning Belief Builder?

Every call is recorded and will be uploaded our online classroom to registered participants and uploaded to the private Facebook group.


Sunday are special fast and feast days during Lent. Each call will feature a powerful mind treatment and a new covenant. Join us at UP Church on YouTube for the Weekly Sermon.
If you are having any technical difficulty, please email RevSheree@upchurch.org.

Sunday Worship Experience – January 21, 2024

Sermon given by Rev. Sheree Thompson

If you would like to watch the event with the congregation live and participate in the live chat, go to the watch page on YouTube.

To join UP Church or to learn more about this unique spiritual community, complete form and to share your tithe, offerings or gift with the ministry, give below.

Sermon Series: Re-Creating UP

Sermon Title: The Process of Re-Creation

Key Idea:

Guiding Scripture: Genesis 5:5-8; Genesis 5:13-14; Genesis 7:12, 23

Point #1 – PICTURE

Point #2 – PREPARE

Point #3 – PURGE

UP Church is supported by your gifts!

You can share your gift with UP Church resting assured that your financial information is safe and secure.

Using your mobile device you can easily share a gift. Text To: 73256 and in the area where you write your message, type UPCHURCH. Follow the prompts! Messages and data rates may apply.  Message frequency varies Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy

You can give via Cash App. Our Cash App name is $upchurchla

The mail still works! Feel free to mail your offering to Understanding Principles: 3108 Glendale Blvd., #547, Los Angeles, CA 90039

AIF 2023 – Adventure In Faith

Adventure in Faith 2023 begins on September 24! Our text this year is Working With the Law by Raymond Holliwell.

More information on this Sermon Series will be shared soon. This page will be updated with everything you need to have a powerful Adventure In Faith, including the Small Group Discussion Guides.

Sign Up for a Small Group Today!

About Small Groups

For our Fall Sermon Series, we will form small groups to help the lessons go deeper. Each group will meet weekly at a specific time to discuss the lesson and work the principles shared in the sermons. 

Limited in size, small groups allow for focused discussion, shared learning and deepened personal growth. Give us your name, phone number and preferred email. Then choose your preferred group time and a second choice in case your first choice isn’t available.

We will notify you of your group assignment by September 24. Small group introductions will take place that week.  Don’t miss this exciting opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth.

Register For Fall 2023 Spiritual Education Classes

Grow with UP Church Fall 2023

Basic Truth Principles 1 – Becoming a New Thought Christian – Sundays at 3-4:30 p.m. PT

Required Texts: The New Thought Christian by William Warch and Alternatives by William L. Fischer (purchase on Amazon)

There is a quiet revolution taking place throughout the world which is in reality a sign of spiritual growth. Many people are breaking away from traditional dogmatic religious beliefs. These people seek a new definition of God, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Some have discovered new ways of thinking new thoughts on God which make common sense.

This course is an exploration of what it means to be a New Thought Christian.  It is an in-depth study of the basic principles espoused by the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary and all UFBL churches, including Understanding Principles for Better Living (UP Church).  It includes the origin and history of New Thought and UFBL leading to a better understanding of the principles one should apply in order to live the abundant life of which Jesus spoke.

Bible 4 – Old Testament, Metaphysical Interpretation, part 2Tuesdays at 6-7:30 p.m. PT

Bible 4 is a study of the metaphysical meaning of the characters and the events of the Old Testament and their relationship to our attitudes and consciousness. This course covers the Old Testament from the allegories of Genesis to the Solomon and the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah.  

Required Text: Let There Be Light by Elizabeth Sand Turner; Book can be purchased from instructor or on Amazon.

Supplemental texts: Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Fillmore; and Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore

Sunday Worship Experience – August 13, 2023

Sermon given by Rev. Sherri James

If you would like to watch the event with the congregation live and participate in the live chat, go to the watch page on YouTube.

To join UP Church or to learn more about this unique spiritual community, complete form and to share your tithe, offerings or gift with the ministry, give below.

Sermon Series: Healing Secrets of the Ages

Sermon Title: In All Thy Getting

Sermon Thesis:

I am intuitive understanding. Within me is the wisdom of the ages. The Mind that knows how is showing me how. The Mind that knows where is leading me there. The Mind that knows when will tell me then.

Guiding Scripture: Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Point #1

It’s all inside of me!

Point #2

I must release my mind power of understanding.

Point #3

I am always under the guidance of intuitive knowing.

UP Church is supported by your gifts!

You can share your gift with UP Church resting assured that your financial information is safe and secure.

Using your mobile device you can easily share a gift. Text To: 73256 and in the area where you write your message, type UPCHURCH. Follow the prompts! Messages and data rates may apply.  Message frequency varies Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy

You can give via Cash App. Our Cash App name is $upchurchla

The mail still works! Feel free to mail your offering to Understanding Principles: 3108 Glendale Blvd., #547, Los Angeles, CA 90039

Sunday Worship Experience – August 6, 2023

Sermon given by Rev. Sheree Thompson

If you would like to watch the event with the congregation live and participate in the live chat, go to the watch page on YouTube.

To join UP Church or to learn more about this unique spiritual community, complete form and to share your tithe, offerings or gift with the ministry, give below.

Sermon Series: Healing Secrets of the Ages

Sermon Title: What You See Is What You Get

Message delivered by Rev. Sheree Thompson

Scripture: Matthew 6:22-23

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.”

Key Idea

You must train your imagination to see what you desire to experience.

Point #1

What is Imagination?
The faculty of mind that images and forms;
The power to shape and form thought.
 Through this faculty the formless takes form.
The imaging faculty presides at the nerve center between

Point #2

“In picturing health in the body, you are not trying to put something into the body that is not already there. You are not trying to force the body into a mold of your own making. Instead, you are claiming and releasing the potential perfection, the ‘imprisoned splendor’.” (Pg. 136)

Point #3

“The power of the imagination must express in one way or another, but it is always at work, constructively or destructively.” (Pg 155)

Your Soul Work – Create a Wheel of Fortune

1 Draw or trace a large circle on a sheet of paper or poster board. Draw or trace a small circle in the middle. Then divide the circle into four parts using straight lines.  Your picture should look like a wheel with spokes.
2 Decide on four areas to focus. You can choose from business, family, spiritual, social, relationships, finances, health, or any focus you desire.
3 In the center, add an image that represents God to you or write your spiritual name like, I am love, or I am power.
4 Find one or two pictures that show the results of what you desire to achieve in those areas of your life.
5 Write an affirmation at the bottom, like, I gratefully receive my good now. Or, This or something better, thy will be done.
6 Look at the wheel every day for 30 days. Be sure to look at it lovingly and calmly.
 Download a template here.

UP Church is supported by your gifts!

You can share your gift with UP Church resting assured that your financial information is safe and secure.

Using your mobile device you can easily share a gift. Text To: 73256 and in the area where you write your message, type UPCHURCH. Follow the prompts! Messages and data rates may apply.  Message frequency varies Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy

You can give via Cash App. Our Cash App name is $upchurchla

The mail still works! Feel free to mail your offering to Understanding Principles: 3108 Glendale Blvd., #547, Los Angeles, CA 90039

Sunday Worship Experience – July 23, 2023

If you would like to watch the event with the congregation live and participate in the live chat, go to the watch page on YouTube.

To join UP Church or to learn more about this unique spiritual community, complete form and to share your tithe, offerings or gift with the ministry, give below.


Sermon Thesis: The healing power of love


Scripture: Matthew 20:16

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Exodus 20:2

I AM the Lord thy God which brings you and I out of the LAND of Egypt (DARKNESS) out of the house (CONSCIOUSNESS) of bondage.


Point #1

UPCHURCH was founded on love.

Point #2

You are guided and guarded by love.

Point #3

Pick-up your bed and walk in the love of God

UP Church is supported by your gifts!

You can share your gift with UP Church resting assured that your financial information is safe and secure.

Using your mobile device you can easily share a gift. Text To: 73256 and in the area where you write your message, type UPCHURCH. Follow the prompts! Messages and data rates may apply.  Message frequency varies Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.

You can give via Cash App. Our Cash App name is $upchurchla

The mail still works! Feel free to mail your offering to Understanding Principles: 3108 Glendale Blvd., #547, Los Angeles, CA 90039