Give With UP Church
This holiday season UP Church has several opportunities to give big. Here is a list of the ways UP Church is showing up to make life better for others. Choose the activities that best suit the way you like to serve others. Continue reading “Give With UP Church”
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Giving Tuesday – December 1, 2015
We trust that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with every good your heart desired! I’m sure that you didn’t miss the extensive advertising for the post-Thanksgiving sales on “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday.” There were a plethora of opportunities to spread your wealth. But did you know about #GivingTuesday? This Tuesday, December 1st, UP Church is participating in this wonderful God idea.
Consider giving to this amazing church organization that is committed to helping you grow spiritually. Click on the #GivingTuesday button and plant a seed in this ministry. Help us spread an attitude of gratitude.
Richest Blessings,
Rev. Sheree