But there is spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
Job 32:8
INSPIRATION is the act of the Infinite through man. I now open my whole consciousness to it. I let God give me the ideas I need to handle the questions of today. From early morning until late at night, I am directed to right action through His Mind which indwells me. Forever abiding in God’s Mind, I cannot fail through His Mind which indwells me. Forever abiding in His Love, I cannot fail but understand my fellowman. I look out upon a wonderful world alive with more good than I ever supposed. Every contact today is a blessing to me, and to everyone I bring a larger peace and a greater joy. Filled with the freshness of Mind, I give new impressions to my everyday tasks.
I refuse to believe that I shall meet problems. I see these as tests of my ability to inaugurate a new idea born of God. Each moment brings me the chance to live as a spiritual being of integrity. The idea I need at this moment, I have. The idea I shall need every moment of this day, I shall have. God meets me in the hour, the moment and the instant of my need. His inspiration is my security to handle all things rightly and all things lovingly. What I see as a problem, God sees as an opportunity to release His Intelligence. Knowing this, I am confident and serene. Neither a person nor a situation can confound me. I silently turn within and find the spiritual answer.
I welcome new ideas, for they mean a greater good for me. They press upon me, they draw nigh unto me. His Knowledge is available to me now, and I let It be in me a vital source of ideas. Wisdom is mine to use, and I use it. I cannot make a mistake today, for God’s omniscient Mind is my mind now. We are one, and in this oneness, I am lead to right answers. Immediate right guidance is mine. I do not need to beseech, I only need to know that He in me is all in all. Rejoicing in this perfect supply of inspiration, I cannot fail. Where I am at every moment, His Mind is. This is my security; this is my peace. Conclusions born of God make easy my way. I am receptive to God’s Ideas.
Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker