The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 

Job 33:4

Thou hast begotten the Man in Thy self-born Mind, and in Thy Reflection and Conception.  He is the man begotten of Mind, to whom Reflection gave form.  Thou hast given all things to the Man. 

Fragments of a Faith Forgotten

We created man: and we know what his soul whispereth to him, and we are closer to him than his neck-vein. 

The Koran

After long meditation and much deep reflection, having passed through the confusion of human experience, Job finally arrived at the conclusion that the Spirit of God was within him, and that the breath of God was his life.  We all have traveled this same pathway of experience; the journey of the soul to “the heights above,” and always there has been a deep inquiry in our minds – what is it all about?  Does life make sense?  What is the meaning of birth, human experience, and the final transition from this plane, which we call death?  Somewhere along the line we too much exclaim with Job, “The spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life!” With the Koran we must realize that the Divine is closer to us even than our physical being.  Nothing can be nearer to us than that which is the very essence of our own being.  Our external search after Reality culminates in the greatest of all possible discoveries – Reality is at the center of our own being.  Life is from within out.  We must no longer judge according to appearances, but, rather, base our judgments on the assumption that the God-Mind dwells within us; proclaims or reflects Itself through us into every act.  Thus the search after Reality culminates in the realization of the ever-present good.  The search at this point, should cease, and we should at once enter into our Divine inheritance, no longer as searchers after, but now as users of, the highest gift of heaven.

I feel that my search is over.  I feel that I have discovered the Great Reality, and today I shall speak this Reality into every experience I have.  I shall see Him reflected in every form, back of every countenance, moving in every act.

Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living ” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

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