And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up… James 5:15
When we say that the body is spiritual we are not denying the physical body. The physical is included within the spiritual. If the Spirit, or Divine Intelligence, has seen fit to give us a physical body it would be absurd to think of the body as an illusion unworthy of our attention. Rather, we should think of the body as a spiritual instrument now. Every statement we make about the body, or belief we hold about it, which causes the mind to accept Spirit as the substance of the body, tends to heal.
My body is the temple of the living Spirit. It is spiritual substance now. Every part of my body is in harmony with the living Spirit within me. The life of the Divine Spirit flows through every atom of my being, vitalizing, invigorating and renewing every particle of my physical body. There is a pattern of perfection at the center of my being which is now operating through every organ, function, action and reaction. My body is forever renewed by the Spirit.
I am now made vigorous and whole. I possess the vitality of the Infinite. I am strong and well. The life of the Spirit is my life. All Its strength is my strength. Its power is my power. I feel that my whole being is renewed, invigorated and made alive. There is complete stillness and perfect peace at the center of my being as I wait on that Presence which makes all things perfect. Every breath I draw is a breath of perfection, vitalizing, up-building and renewing every cell of my body. I am born of the Spirit. I am in the Spirit. I am the Spirit made manifest.
Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker