Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?  Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?  If I ascend unto heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.  Psalm 139:7,8

oct-26-2015To think that any person is outside of God is an absurdity.  We know that God as Infinite Mind is the only real Presence and Power there is, and all men are in It and of It.  That our material troubles prevent us from knowing this all the time is obvious, but the disciplined soul can cause heaven to appear in the midst of every problem.  When we pray, or treat a negative condition we set in process a Divine idea which brings heaven to pass at the instant.  As we recognize and affirm the omnipresence of Spirit, we are causing heaven to appear.  Al evil fades as Truth is asserted by the determined Son of God.  Eternally, we live in heaven, the Presence of Pure Being, the Life Everlasting.  As we lift up our eyes unto the Truth our minds are transformed.  With a new viewpoint we look out upon our world and like God we, too, can say “Behold, it is very good,” it is heaven.

God made my world, and He called it good.  I now link my mind with the Mind of God and look out upon my world from a new viewpoint.  I see God in every person and every situation.  All negatives are now cleaned from my consciousness.  I am pure in heart and I see God everywhere.  I see only the Christ Spirit in my fellowman.  I look forward this day to the joy of living in the Kingdom of Heaven right here on earth.  My home, my church, my office are locations in Heaven, and they are filled with the atmosphere of good.  Divine Love absorbs my full attention and I release that Love to all I contact this day; I cannot escape my heaven, for I am already in it, and all is well with my soul.

Taken from “Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

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