Behold I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.

Jeremiah 33:6 

A full teaching of Christianity is impossible without the concept that God is the health of His People.  We believe in spiritual mind healing, because we know that Jesus proved it as the action of the Spirit indwelling us.  Health abides in us and is natural to us.  Otherwise, the teaching of the Man of Galilee is questionable, and this we cannot believe.  We are reviving primitive Christianity and as a result the sick are finding health.  This health which they find is not something created in them as a result of prayer.  It is something revealed in them for it was there awaiting the call to come forth.  This call which does the work is our faith and belief.  William James called the Truth, teaching “The Religion of Healthy Mindedness.”  This is exactly what we are announcing.  We believe that our bodily health depends upon our mental attitudes; that states of consciousness determines the health or disease of each of us.  We acknowledge God as our health.

My body is the temple of the living God.  It is divinely created and divinely maintained.  There is no lack of health in my body, for the presence of God is in every cell and function, and where God is, all is health.  This word that I speak is awakening the perfect health of Spirit in me.  My consciousness is filled with healthy thoughts about myself and my fellowman.  I am strong, vital and perfect in every way, for I am a spiritual being living in a spiritually created body that responds to my thought.  I think health, I appreciate health, I love good health.  My whole being responds to this treatment.  The health of God is my health today and forevermore.


Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker




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