And now the Lord shew kindness and truth unto you; and I also will requite you this kindness, because ye have done this thing.

II Samuel 2:6

The Truth is that which is really so, and God alone is Truth.  Too long have I accepted half-truth and false speculations of evil as being true, when only the real is permanent.  With my mind established in truth, I look at all my fears and see them as nothing.  I know that they have hampered me for too long a time, but now I am free, for I see them as they really are.  Never again will the old race ideas of age, lack and disease intrigue my mind and confuse my soul.  I am the free creation of Spirit, and I know the Truth of freedom.

The Truth of my life is that God’s Action is my activity.  This is always healthy, strong and moving forward through finer expressions of body.  God acts through me as vitality and power.  I am not under the laws of a human body, for my true body is God’s Idea of man.  This is my real body now, and in it I am living with joyous freedom of movement.

The Truth of my world is that it is heaven right here and right now.  Despite my limited viewpoints and human mind opinions, my real world is heaven.  In this heaven of the Presence of God I do that which is pleasing to the Christ within me.  I live with ease, and I accomplish great things.  The ever-expanding activity of God frees me from the past, blesses me in the present and makes great the future before me.

I am determined to know Truth this day.  In all people, I behold God’s perfect man.  In all situations I behold the Glory of God unfolding.  I expect miracles to happen, for nothing can inhibit the action of God, which is the Truth of my life.

Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  


AUGUST 6             


And I took the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and brake them before your eyes.

Deuteronomy 9:17

Power is the capacity to imitate and demonstrate an idea.  What God has done on the scale of the universal, I can do in my own world.  When the God Mind initiates an Idea, a new good appears for man.  When I initiate a holy idea and carry it through to its logical conclusion, I am fulfilling my divine destiny.  Around me is the Power of Infinite Mind forever revealing new greatness of mind, ease and possibility.  I now attune myself to the true Source of ideas, and I execute them in my experience.  I have all the power I need, for mind alone is power, and mind thinks by means of me.

As I use power rightly I become a blessing to the world, and a success to myself.  I select ideas as carefully as I would select a precious gem.  I want only those ideas which are worthy of my highest spiritual development.  The ideas I have selected include health, prosperity and creative self-expression.  These ideas now move through my thinking, backed by my affirmations of Truth.  They must accomplish their full demonstration in my life for the Law of Mind does the work.

There is no power outside of the Spirit within me.  I formerly believed that situations, people and problems had power, but now I see rightly.  Today, I stand at the center of my world as a distributor of power.  I deliberately choose to have God’s Power in my life act as my perfect health.  I open my whole body to its inflow and operation.  I select the idea of joy, knowing that as power flows through me the process is a joyous one.  The only power I have is God, but that is sufficient to revolutionize my being.Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  




But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost.

Job 11:20

Good is even more possible than evil, for it is God, while evil is only a temporary, false appearance.  The hopeful have always managed to lift the world a bit and to bless their fellowman.  With their eyes upon good, they have walked forward on a pathway of blessings.  I now join with all who have placed God at the center of their lives and who know that Truth alone is real.  I clasp hands with the men and women who have proven the power and the presence of God.

Before me lies an eternal possibility which awaits my exploration.  It bids me come to its gates and enter in to partake of its immeasurable good.  Even though my world tells me that much is impossible, I still declare my possibility in God.  I know that nothing can be withheld from me, if my consciousness is clear and positive. The good I seek is seeking me.  The pathway I walk is always forward.  If any man cannot walk forward with me, then I loose him with a blessing, but I press on to my good.  My footsteps are not deterred by people, places or situations.  God walks by means of me, and to His forward action there is no impediment. 

My future is dependent upon my conscious awareness of Infinite Mind.  The fears of the world and of the people who have not yet awakened to Truth have no power over me.  I alone determine what next year shall bring.  As I am established in good, each year shall improve my consciousness, and bring greater joy to me.  Nothing can prevent my progress, for God is with me, and the power of God acts through me with wisdom.  I am divinely optimistic.

Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  




For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Mark 4:22

There is just as much of God in this day as in any other.  There is no reason why I cannot make my demonstration now, if I am willing to discipline my thought and feeling.  All that God is is present in my world now.  All the ideas I need are in my consciousness now.  My thought, being the action of Infinite Mind, is all powerful.  I now accept my spiritual responsibility to make a definite demonstration.  No more vague thinking, and no more hoping that it will happen.  Today it will happen, for God is the only presence and the only power in my life.

Every hour is alive with God’s perfect action.  Infinite Mind is instantly and permanently available to me, for I am its beloved outlet.  I claim my good, and subconsciously accept my good.  That good is now appearing, and I train my eyes to see it, and my thought to expect it.  There is no delay to this action, for it is God’s action through me. There is nothing to prevent my demonstration, for all doubt is removed from my thought.  I am immersed in the perfect action of Mind which is already moving to complete my desire.

At this instant my good appears in orderly ways.  The Law of Mind accepts this demonstration as completed.  It has already accomplished every act necessary to its production.  I relax and let God do the work.  I hold my thought firmly to the completed idea.  I discipline my emotions to the accomplished mood.  I am absolutely certain that my idea is appearing in form.  I have full confidence in the Law.  My faith is complete, and my soul rejoices and gives thanks, now, that it is done.  Father-Mother God, I thank thee for this full demonstration now.   Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  




Try constantly to keep the mind steady, remain in solitude, with mind and body free from desires and possessions.

The Bhagavad-Gita

The universe is always orderly, and my life in it should be one of order, harmony and peace.  This I now accept as truth.  Henceforth, no situation shall confuse me, for I will not accept confusion.  My mind, and only my mind, determines the appearance, the continuity and the end of confusion.  I know that I can think in terms of order, and that all ideas do unfold with order and ease. I am determined to live in peace this day.

My consciousness is at peace, for it is now rooted and grounded in God.  All my thinking is premised on God’s ideas.  Only good appears in my world, and all my reactions are now dedicated to good.  There is nothing in me to cause confusion, or to accept confusion from others.  I know that my thought determines my experience, and I now think rightly and lovingly about myself, my world and my fellowman.

My faith is great.  My peace is complete.  I see a Divine Order and a Divine Pattern in all situations.  I behold myself living with ease and in harmony with God and with man.  People react to me in orderly ways.  Every situation is a blessing to me and increases my good.  I move forward into larger experiences of prosperity, because my mind is clear and my goal is in sight.  No longer can the world tell me what to do.  I am poised and established in the One Mind, and nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.  I declare peace, and peace is mine, for God responds to me as I think His way.  I assume that my world, in all its ways, is filled with right action.  I live in faith and I demonstrate order with ease.    

Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  

Aug. 02, 2024 – I AM HEALED OF WORRY



Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just live by his faith.

Habakkuk 2:4

Faith in God, the Good, is natural to man.  Instinctively man knows that the Mind which created him works through him.  I now declare my faith in God, and I prove this faith through my actions.  My full attention is now devoted to seeing good everywhere and in all people.  I know that within me God upholds my search for Truth and guides me all the way.  I know that the Divine Plan for me is in action; and I have complete trust in God.  Only good surrounds me, and only good comes to me.  I am assured of perfect peace and complete prosperity, for I fear not.

I refuse to worry this day.  Despite all the negatives that may claim my attention, I shall not deviate from my affirmations of faith.  One Power alone is active within me and my affairs.  One mind alone rules and governs my life.  Nothing but God is true, and nothing but good will happen.  The Lord is with me and upholds me in every situation.  Everything that needs to be done, shall be done, on time and with ease. Every need will be met by the Spirit, which works through me.  God in me is equal to every demand made upon Him.  I am certain of this.

I trust the great Law of mind to bring my demonstrations to pass without any worry on my part.  I declare the Truth and the Law produces the Truth in my world.  Never again will I question my own ability to make my demonstrations.  God honors my thought, and the Law produces it.  Calmly I face today, and declare it to be the best day I have ever known.  My good is where I am, and it is now revealing itself to me.  Freed of worry and filled with faith, I have a heavenly experience today.

Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  

Aug. 01, 2024 – I AM CAUSE NOT EFFECT

AUGUST 1        


Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified.

Job 13:18

God made man in His own image and likeness, and I am that man now.  God is the Creator of heaven and earth, so I am the creator of my own heaven and my own earth.  I stand in the midst of my own consciousness and assume control.  No longer am I acted upon by my world.  I now am cause to my world. I act in mind, and my world reacts in matter in direct response to my demand.  I am cause, not effect.  I am Spirit releasing Itself into form under freedom.  With my new sense of spiritual responsibility, I create in my experience blessings for myself and good for my fellowman.

Having taken my stand as the cause of my own experience, I know create the unique, the unusual and the different in my world.  God’s Ideas are always new Ideas.  They never repeat.  With my consciousness acting in its true place in the Divine Mind, all things are made new and fresh in my world.  Old patterns of routine and monotony are demolished, and a new mental structure of flexibility and ease is mine.  I let go of the past with joy.  I accept the responsibility of right thinking in the present, and I expect only new forms of good in the future.

I act upon the plastic substance of the universe with intelligence and authority.  My world cannot make me sick, poor or unhappy.  My world has no power or authority over me.  I tell it what to do, and it does it.  As I think the Ideas of God, heaven appears as my world.  Health, happiness and peace are mine today, because in my freedom to use God’s law of mind, I create them and rejoice in them.

Taken from “ 365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker  


JULY 31  


The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. 

Psalm 145:15

Knowing that the Divine Spirit is everywhere, and realizing that everyone who asks receives, today I ask of my spiritual Self that It shall come forth afresh; that It shall direct every decision with intelligence and that It shall make perfect my way before me.

Realizing that the Lord of Life is my true inner self, the incarnation of God in me, I learn to lean upon this divine Shepherd; to accept every desired good as though it were already an accomplished fact; to let nothing enter my thought that would contradict the allness and the goodness of the Spirit.  The divine Shepherd is ever with me, guiding, counseling and leading me into pathways of peace and security.

Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.  And I knew that thou hearest me always.”  This assures me that Divine Power can do anything and that Divine Love will not refuse any good gift.  Since the Divine Gift and the Divine Giver are one, and since God is both peace and joy, I know that everything which transpires in my experience today will bring peace and joy.  I know that everything will bring happiness and success.  I rest in calm expectation, in enthusiastic anticipation of every event that is to transpire, because I wait upon the Lord within me.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

Jul. 30, 2024 – I HAVE JOY

JULY 30      


Sorrow is turned into joy before Him … Thou hast put gladness in my heart … Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; Thou hast put off my sack cloth, and girded me with gladness. 

Job 41:22; Psalms 4:7; 30:11

We cannot conceive of the Spirit as sad or depressed.  There is ever a song at the center of everything.  This song is reflected in all nature, turning “mourning into dancing.”  To put off my sackcloth means turning to a complete reliance on the Divine.  To be girded with gladness means to cover ourselves with the threefold nature of good.  This is a symbol of Divine protection.  Turning the mind to God and recognizing the omnipresence of Love, causes us to rejoice, as we recognize that in Him (pure Spirit) we live, move and have our being.

I know that happiness is God’s will for me and for everyone.  I also know that I cannot gain happiness without giving it; therefore I do not expect to be happy unless I make others glad.  I radiate happiness to everyone.  There is a sense of joy at the center of my being which everyone will feel.  There is no insecurity in this happiness, no sense of impoverishment or fear, no feeling of doubt.

Today I turn from everything that depresses, and sing a song of praise, of gratitude and of joy.  I am going forth to meet joy, singing the song of the triumph of Spirit over all apparent negation.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

Jul. 29, 2024 – I HAVE HEALTH



The Lord will take away from thee all sickness … I am the Lord that healeth thee. 

Deuteronomy 7:15; Exodus 15:26

Health is a state of wholeness in mind and in body.  The body is the servant of the mind, and the mind is the offspring of pure Spirit.  Thus the Bible tells us that we are spirit, soul (or mind) and body.  These three really are one, and are supposed to work in perfect unison with each other.  They do this when the mind lifts its countenance to the Spirit, permitting Its flow of harmony, unity and beauty a clear passageway.  The body will always reflect this inner poise.

Realizing that the Source of all being is within and at the center of my own being, I consciously unite myself with this center and with this Source.  I expect to be made whole.  I expect to radiate health and vitality wherever I go.  It is my will, my desire and my acceptance that I be made whole.

Today I know that my health, my physical well-being, as well as my mental poise and peace are drawn from an infinite Source of perfection.  Today I know that the Lord, the Law of Good, is the healing Presence of life forever restoring my mind and my physical being.  I pray to, or commune with, this Spirit within me.  Thus I am made whole.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker