JUNE 29   


“Good is positive.  Evil is merely privative, not absolute; it is like cold which is the privation of heat.  All evil is so much death or nonentity.  Benevolence is absolute and real.” 


I have free will as a part of my Divine Birthright.  This great power of mind is mine to use, and the Law of Mind must fulfill my direction.  I now declare my freedom from all evil.  I refuse to be dominated by illness, fear, lack and frustration.  God never made them, and I will have nothing to do with them. God in me knows only my perfect self, and this alone I recognize, affirm and accept.  Having the power to reject the undesirable, I now declare my freedom from evil.  Never again will negatives rule my thinking.  I am the perfect creation of a perfect God, and I know it.

My body is divinely created, and divinely operated.  It is not subject to the ills of the flesh, for my flesh is spiritual substance and cannot be defiled.  No sickness can come upon me, and no medical belief can enthrall me.  I am the health of the Spirit.  I am the Life of God made manifest.  I control my thinking and disciple my emotions. My vitality is sufficient for every demand made upon it. I am never unhappy, for God in me is the joy of living.  Outer pleasure I enjoy, but my inner joy is not dependent upon it.   My real happiness is from my knowledge of God as the joy of my being.

I refuse to experience poverty, lack or financial limitation.  I live in a universe of Divine Design and it knows no lack of abundance.  Everywhere prosperity is rampant.  Money seeks me through every person, thing and situation.  His richness is mine, and I accept it.  I enjoy the money I have, and I use it with wisdom.  There is no virtue in lack, and I now dismiss it from my world.  I am the Child of a rich and abundant God.  The eternal providing Principle supports and maintains me in freedom.  I have Manna to eat which no man can see.  I have a living Water of Life to drink, and I am free of all evil. 

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 28   


“These facts have always suggested to man the sublime creed that the world is not the product of manifold power, but of one will, of one mind; and that one mind is everywhere active, in each ray of the star, in each wavelet of the pool; and whatever opposes that will is everywhere balked and baffled, because things are made so, and not otherwise.” 


God dominates my whole experience.  There is so much of God everywhere in my life, that I cannot see any opposite.  My health cannot know disease and my prosperity cannot know decrease.  I am completely convinced that God is the only power. Mind is the only reality and Love is the only atmosphere.  Evil is a word without meaning.  I perceive the Truth and the Truth has set me free from all false speculations.  Within me, around me and through me there is nothing but pure Mind.  I bask in Its eternal embrace; I think in Its eternal consciousness of good.

The problem of evil no longer fascinates me, for I see it as nothing.  Negatives are merely my misunderstanding of positives.  I can see only that which is of good report.  My eyes are now too pure to behold any viciousness in creation.  God appears to me in all things, in all people and in my own uplifted thinking.  All resistance to problems is erased, because the problems are merely my opportunities to prove God as the only cause.  I accomplish with ease, where others struggle to make ends meet.

God’s Spirit in me appreciates my recognition of Itself, and out-pours upon me all of Its qualities, ideas and aspects.  All life moves to grant me the ability and the power to do what I know is right and fine and true.  The inner upsurging of Divine Intelligence and Creativeness impels me to right decisions and right actions.  There is nothing to fight; there are no battles to be won.  The victorious Truth of my being expresses as me, and dominion over all the good is mine to use.  All positives are mine.  All virtues belong to me.  All of God is revealed to me, and I demonstrate my happiness.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 27   


“There is One Mind, and all the powers and privileges which lie in any, lie in all; and I, as a man, may claim and appropriate whatever of true or fair or good or strong has anywhere been exhibited.” 


The universe is a spiritual system, and it gives to all men alike.  God in His creation knows neither great nor small.  It knows me only as an outlet of Its Ideas and Its Love.  To me is given all power in mind and in control of matter.  My authority is from on high, and the material thought of man cannot negate it. I stand in control of situations, I experience.  As my thinking determines my control of situations, I now assume my Divine Prerogative and think only of the things I desire.  No evil can withstand my determined spiritual mentation.  The gates of hell may open, but the windows of heaven shall still outpour me a blessing and triumph will always be mine.

In the One Mind I am an unlimited action of Intelligence, Power and Love.  This is my Birthright.  This is the Divine Legitimacy of my being.  To this end was I created, and for this cause have I come into the world.  I bear witness to perfect Life, complete Wisdom and ever unfolding possibilities of greatness.  I remain forever unconditioned and free.  My selection of Truth now determines my demonstration of health, peace and prosperity.  Knowing only God and His permanent goodness, I can select only that which will unfold my capacities and enlarge my usefulness.  Today, I definitely do this.

I refuse to believe in evil, to experience it, or to speculate upon its possibility.  All the sense testimony which can be arrayed in favor of evil is a useless argument.  I have set my eyes on the Good.  I have established heaven in my consciousness, and there is no power in darkness and ignorance.  The Light of Life is mine and in me It illumines my mind and maintains my faith.  God alone is my beginning, continuity and conclusion.  Love alone is my outer experience, and prosperity pours into my experience in profusion.  I have selected that which will endure, and God giveth the increase.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 26   


“The genius of man is a continuation of the power that made him and that has not done making him.”  


I have faith in an unlimited God, my own unlimited possibility, and an unlimited world in which I function. I see all restriction as temporary negative experience which can be healed by my highest thought of God.  Today, I am determined to live as a free agent of an unlimited Mind that knows only my possibility and is not interested in my own wrong beliefs.  God wants me to express Him today.  God has not finished creating, and His Plan for me unfolds with certainly and with precision.  I let Mind be in me what It has planned to be, and my success is sure.

This twenty-four hours is my opportunity to prove the reality of Truth.  At every moment the Mind of God leads me into my good.  I am never forsaken, and never left alone. No human opinions can govern me, and no wrong decisions can be made.  By my recognition of God as my own real Self, the One Presence actually controls my environment, and Divine Mind dominates my thinking.  This negates all evil, and I am free to express perfect life.  I behold myself as a successful outlet of Divine ideas and a joyous creator of lasting benefits.  I think rightly of God, of myself and of my fellowman.

Today I am born afresh of the Spirit.  No past beliefs hold me in bondage, for God in this day knows only the good of this day.  His Mind in me holds no carry-overs from yesterday.  My past mistakes are nullified, and I shall never again believe in two powers and their resultant disunity.  I have one God, and that One is the power in me to produce for me what I select.  I have good cheer, for I see nothing but good before me.  Today is the day of victorious results bringing to pass greater demonstrations that I have ever known before.  Prosperity of all kinds is mine because I let Divine Mind produce it for me.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 25  


“Mind is the only reality of which men and all other natures are better or worse reflectors.”  Emerson

The natural state of all life is health.  Life is so organized that under normal circumstances It must be health.  Left to Its own devices the action of God in man maintains him in health.  Therefore, I let the Divine be in me what It planned to be, and my health is automatic.  I remove every mental and emotional obstruction to the already perfect Intelligence governing my body.  I am a spiritual being, operating through consciousness and experiencing body.  My body cannot make me ill, for Mind alone is cause.  I rejoice in my victory over disease.

I refuse to believe that I am the victim of any situation.  The Divine in me is always in full charge of my experience, and the power of God is greater than the power of disease.  His Mind in me knows only perfect action and perfect results.  I join with God in the knowledge of perfect man, perfect life and perfect health.  I erase from my own subconscious any pattern, idea or belief that is contrary to God.  I know that deep within me is the cleaning action of Spirit, and my soul is delivered of all evil. I am healed by the perfect thought of the Divine Mind.

My consciousness is alerted to Truth.  My body responds to health.  Today, I shall have all the energy, vitality and strength I shall need to accomplish without strain.  I shall have power at every moment.  I shall have wisdom in every decision.  God can never desert me, and His indwelling action shall maintain me in ease of body and clarity of thought.  His Mind is my mind now.  I am strong, fearless and creative.  I have nothing to fear, and no evil to anticipate.  The radiant eternal health of God is in every cell of my body and the One Mind maintains this health in me today.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker




“There is one mind common to all individual men. Every man is an inlet to the same and to all of the same. He that is once admitted to the right of reason is made a freeman of the whole estate.”


If there is but one mind, then God must be that Mind, and therefore God must be my mind now. The unity of creation is evidence of One Creative Cause, and the process of creation is indicative that this Cause is pure Intelligence in action. The world in which I live is the mind of God made visible. The body I wear is Intelligence clothing me with a vehicle of accomplishment. The works of my consciousness, my hands and my efforts are the outlets through which I release the one Mind into form. I now accept the responsibility of knowing myself as the Mind of God in action.
Knowing all men as the means by which the one Mind acts, I know true equality. I am no greater than anyone else, and no other soul is greater than I am. All races and all creeds express the one God, the one Life and the Truth. Differences, variations and discrepancies are of no importance. God in me is the only Reality, and all men are my brothers living with me in the Kingdom of Good. All life in all forms is God in action. There is nothing too simple to express Beauty, and nothing too great to express pure Wisdom. God appears to me in all things and through all people.
My thinking is now determined by the one Mind. God’s thoughts being premised upon good sustain my every creative action. Evil disappears from my experience, for there is nothing but the good to contemplate. The Holy Spirit of pure Truth abides in me and uses me as Its distributing center. I am free to demonstrate what I want, for the One Mind delivers to me the full results of my own concepts. I affirm the good, the true and the perfect. I affirm one Cause, one Source and one Mind. Absolute peace indwells me, and Love creates through me the desires of my heart.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker



JUNE 23   


“Whenever a mind is simple and receives a divine wisdom, old things pass away, – means, teachers, texts, temples fall; it lives now, and absorbs past and future into the present hours.”    Emerson   

Jesus was not interested in the logics of theology; He was primarily concerned with the Spirit in man.  I now turn to the Spirit within me, and find It in all Its greatness and all Its peace.  There is an interior Christ-Mind that baffles all reasoning, and is beyond all human explanation.  In me at this moment, God abides in fullness, in richness, in omniscience.  My life today is the Life of God.  My thinking this day is accomplished because the God-Mind thinks through me.  My capacity to be a great and loving person is because greatness born of the Spirit indwells me.

From whence I may come is of little importance to me.  Where I shall go upon leaving my present body, I am willing to leave to the Wisdom of the Father of us all.  Today I am alive as a creative soul, and I will so live that today the Action of Truth shines forth through the works of my thinking, and the words of my mouth.  The Divine is a perfect Simplicity.  Life flows through me, Love seeks an outlet from me, and Power is mine to use as I select.  My use of the Spirit is not dependent upon my education, background or environment.  God in me acts through me as I recognize It.

I am not dependent upon theological beliefs; God and I are one process, one Life and one Joyous Spirit.  I am in the Father and His Mind indwells me, and inspires me at every moment.  I have an invisible church in my consciousness, and in it I silently acknowledge the beauty of my present life in God.  The inner altar of Truth feeds me with Its living bread of ideas, and its vital wine of creative action.  I no longer seek an outside God and an exterior temple, for I know that I am the temple of the living God, and that all of His Creativeness is mine to use and to enjoy.  I have a simplified concept of God.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 22   


“As soon as every man is apprised of the Divine Presence within his own mind, – is apprised that the perfect law of duty corresponds with the laws of chemistry, vegetation, astronomy, as face to face in a glass; then we have a religion that exalts, that commands all the social and all the private action.”  


The world of today is my world, and the Cause of it I consider in today’s language.  I see my world as the operation of an Intelligence which must be Mind, a Power which must bear witness of Divine Love.  While I respect the beliefs of the past, yet I must seek my God today.  I can accept a perfect Mind, an unalterable Law and an interpenetration of Love.  This is understandable to me, and workable by me.  I believe myself to be of Divine Importance.  I believe that He who brought me forth indwells me and acts through me.  God in me is my reason for being.

Indwelling me is a center of Divine Action.  Omnipresence personalizes Itself in me, and I am Its distributing center.  I live under a Law of Mind action, and into that Law I place the cause of things I desire.  God wants me to have what I want to have, and the Law produces my good for me, as and when I want it.  Being a law, It cannot oppose me, but must obey my will.  This is the hope of my being; this is my cause for rejoicing.  I live in a universe that fulfills my every positive desire, when I definitely state this desire into the Law of mind.  Greater good could no generation have.

My God gives me my freedom for all experience.  Good can be mine, and evil can be mine.  I, alone decide the picture and I, alone, experience the result.  I live in a Perfect Mind which knows me as Its perfect image and likeness.  I now choose to have a heavenly experience, and the Law now creates it for me.  I love to live the life of freedom in a God which ordains good for me.  Health, peace and prosperity belong to me, and they now function in me and around me, because I have accepted the Divine Gift.  I respect the God of all men, but I know One Mind, One Presence and One Power as the Truth today.        

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

JUNE 22   


“As soon as every man is apprised of the Divine Presence within his own mind, – is apprised that the perfect law of duty corresponds with the laws of chemistry, vegetation, astronomy, as face to face in a glass; then we have a religion that exalts, that commands all the social and all the private action.”  Emerson

The world of today is my world, and the Cause of it I consider in today’s language.  I see my world as the operation of an Intelligence which must be Mind, a Power which must bear witness of Divine Love.  While I respect the beliefs of the past, yet I must seek my God today.  I can accept a perfect Mind, an unalterable Law and an interpenetration of Love.  This is understandable to me, and workable by me.  I believe myself to be of Divine Importance.  I believe that He who brought me forth indwells me and acts through me.  God in me is my reason for being.

Indwelling me is a center of Divine Action.  Omnipresence personalizes Itself in me, and I am Its distributing center.  I live under a Law of Mind action, and into that Law I place the cause of things I desire.  God wants me to have what I want to have, and the Law produces my good for me, as and when I want it.  Being a law, It cannot oppose me, but must obey my will.  This is the hope of my being; this is my cause for rejoicing.  I live in a universe that fulfills my every positive desire, when I definitely state this desire into the Law of mind.  Greater good could no generation have.

My God gives me my freedom for all experience.  Good can be mine, and evil can be mine.  I, alone decide the picture and I, alone, experience the result.  I live in a Perfect Mind which knows me as Its perfect image and likeness.  I now choose to have a heavenly experience, and the Law now creates it for me.  I love to live the life of freedom in a God which ordains good for me.  Health, peace and prosperity belong to me, and they now function in me and around me, because I have accepted the Divine Gift.  I respect the God of all men, but I know One Mind, One Presence and One Power as the Truth today.        

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 21   


“We cannot describe the natural history of the soul, but we know it is divine.  But this I know, that these wonderful qualities did not now begin to exist, cannot be sick with my sickness, nor buried in any grave; but that they circulate through the universe: before the world was, they were.” 


I accept myself as a healthy, whole person endowed with Divine life and the wisdom to maintain It in freedom of action.  I am unconvinced by all the reports of disease and their many classifications.  I condemn no one who believes them or experiences them, but I am certain that God is unaware of illness.  I have faith that the Intelligence which created my body will maintain it in perfect action, if I will cooperate.  In me the Spirit of Wholeness abides and remains untouched by the errors of body.  The Christ in me is never ill, and never depleted.  God in me is the same yesterday, today and forever.

My life and its health is dependent upon my knowledge of God and my practice of Spiritual Truth.  I now increase my understanding of the Divine Idea of Life, and let this Idea be in me a power.  Perfect God around me, perfect Life within me.  I am maintained in wholeness of body and health of mind. I am not subject to any ill; I am owned and operated by Him who made me to be His own.  There is nothing in my subconscious mind to cause, maintain or erase disease.  I have denied the power of evil, sickness and death.  I have affirmed my health, strength and vitality as God’s offspring, and this alone shall I experience.

God’s action through me is perfect and complete.  My whole being is receptive to Life and Joy.  I love health, for God is health.  I rejoice in health, for Life is joyous, creative activity.  Nothing disturbs me, for the calm peace of faith is mine today.  My thinking is based on Truth; my emotions are balanced in Love.  I gladly co-operate with every idea of health, and these ideas come to me from all directions.  All people speak health to me.  I radiate health to them.  I am healed and whole because my mind is centered in the Lord who is health to His people.  I give thanks that never again shall I know other than health.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 20   


“The life of man is a self-evolving circle, which from a ring imperceptibly small, rushes on all sides outward to new and larger circles, and without end.” 


I decide to grow in wisdom and in understanding.  I decide to give up the half-truth and base my whole life upon the One Truth which forever imparts Itself to me.  No more good and evil, no more right and wrong.  God alone is good and Truth alone is right. I refuse to stagnate at any intellectual level of knowledge, for all true wisdom comes from growth with understanding. What I now know is merely the doorstep to what I shall know.  Greater ideas of God come to me each moment, and these cause me to walk forward with consistent enlargement of consciousness.  I thank God that I can grow in His ways.

The seed falls into the ground and dies in order that the plant may appear.  I let every area of my subconscious become the soil of a larger life.  I declare that every idea I now have shall die that greater ideas shall appear and thereby make me a greater expression of life.  I refuse to stay as I am, and I refuse to live by past thinking.  The doorway of the future opens to me only in so far as I let new thoughts govern me today.  Tomorrow will be what I am thinking and feeling today. Knowing this, I now receive from the indwelling Spirit those Ideas which will improve me.

I am receptive to growth.  I desire more good than I have, and I know that Spirit through me will provide it.  I acknowledge but one source for my present and future good – the Mind of God.  I am an evolving, growing expression of a limitless Principle and an ever unfolding Love.  I grow out of all ignorance into all truth.  I evolve out of all pettiness into all tolerance.  I emerge from disease into permanent health.  Whatever needs to be done to make me a greater instrument of Divine Life and Love is now being done in me.  I let all changes necessary to growth take place.  I love to see the old patterns dissolve and the new ones appear.  I thoroughly enjoy growing in grace and in Truth.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker