JUNE 10        


“People wish to be settled; only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.”  Emerson

There are no anchors in my world to fasten me to any one situation forever.  I accept the ever-changing, ever unfolding action of God in my experience.  I have faith that Life impels me into greater good for myself and for all who comprise my world.  I appreciate the past, but it cannot bind me to any person, place nor thing.  It is now a neutralized memory of good.  No more weeping for what might have been.  Today is the day of glory, and tomorrow is alive with the possibilities of creative self-expression.

There are no impediments to the Divine Impulse within me.  My consciousness is cleaned and awaits all new ideas with expectancy.  These ideas will take me out of the present mediocrities into the heaven of fresh conditions.  As I let Life move me forward I find joy on every hand and love in every heart.  New Friendships, new opportunities, new environment and new experience appear to be enjoyed and to be praised.  I do not miss the patterns from which I have emerged, for greater good is mine today than I have ever known before.  I bless the old, but I welcome with open arms the new.

I let changes take place in my life.  I know they must, and I know they will, whether I say yes or no.  All changes accepted as a spiritual adventure are for the good and I now begin the discovery of God in every new condition.  Buried in all men is the treasure of the Kingdom of God.  I seek it, and I find its coffers overflowing with kindness.  I have no enemies, for God’s Friendship comes to me through every relative, co-worker and contact.  I break all chains which bind me and walk free into God’s great experience of life.  New forms of good come to me, emanate from me, and appear around me today.    

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 9   


“Yourself, a newborn bard of the Holy Ghost, cast behind you all conformity, and acquaint men at first hand with Deity.” 


I accept myself as the outlet of the Infinite.  I believe in my Divine origin, my persistent inspiration, and my destiny of good.  I know that God gives freely of Himself to all, and my share is great. In me the Divine is seeking to create new trains of causation, which will enrich me and increase the good of all who know me.  The power which spoke through Moses, Isaiah and Jesus is the power which acts through me.  I have within me all the creative powers of Spiritual Genius, and I accept them and use them this day.  What others have done in the past, I can do now, and even greater works can I do.

I acquaint men at first hand with Deity.  My actions as well as my words give evidence of my spiritual understanding and development.  My reactions to unpleasantness reveal my inner poise, security and peace.  In all situations I bear witness to His mind which directs me and prospers me.  Freely I give of myself to all, and richly the Father gives to me of His inexhaustible Self.  I behold the Christ in every man, and I refuse all human speculations of evil.  I refuse to accept, contemplate or seek anything less than the perfect, the true and the fine.  No man can convince me of error, for I know from my own experience that God is the final reality, and untruth fades before the light of my own understanding.

I am God in action, for there is nothing else for me to be.  Creative ideas indwell me, and my environment welcomes their complete expression.  I am unopposed for the one Power and the one Presence is the cause, continuity and conclusion of my life.  I am a center of Divine release and from me there flows this day the glory of God to all the other Sons of Heaven.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 8   


“The nameless Thought, the nameless Power, the super-personal Heart, – he shall repose alone on that.  He needs only his own verdict.  No good fame can help him; no bad fame can hurt him.”  Emerson

There is but one infinite Mind, and It indwells me this day as the source of all life, all knowledge and all possible good.  This Mind is also Love.  It is a complete unity of all that ever has been, ever will be.  I know myself as Its vehicle of operation, and It acts without hindrance through me.  Not to the outer world do I look for help, but to the inner Source I turn for the full supply of every need.  In this inner consciousness of security I am no longer impressed by material fears.  All manner of evil may appear to assail me in my hectic world, but the peace within bids me to believe it not.

Divine Love maintains the calm of my being.  It disciplines and balances my emotions.  Anger and hysterics are impossible to experience, for within me there is nothing to cause them nor react to them.  I face my world poised and at peace. I face the arguments of my fellowman with the clear understanding that they will not twist my judgment nor lead me to wrong conclusions.  God’s Mind is the only basis of my decisions, and thus all my affairs must prosper.  With love and intelligence as the foundation of my thinking, I do all things with ease and with efficiency.  God’s action in me is wonderful.

I am independent of fame and slander.  I am a Spiritual Being in a Spiritual Universe and only my estimate of myself is true.  Others may proclaim my faults, outline my mistakes, and declare my weaknesses.  Not one word of these is true.  God in the midst of me cannot see evil, hear evil or speak evil about me not anyone else.  Only that which is true of the Spirit is true of me.  I know my Spiritual worth.  I affirm my thought as the Divine Thought, and my heart as being of Him whose Heart is the heart of all.  I am untouched by human opinions, and I offer none.  God indwells me today as Mind and Love.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 7   


“Instead of that reliance which the soul suggests, on the eternity of truth and duty, men are misled into a reliance on institutions, which the moment they cease to be the instantaneous creations of the devout sentiment are worthless.”  


I face my world with a courage born of my knowledge of God.  I am never alone, never deserted and never without aid.  My reliance is on Him who brought me forth to express His life divine.  Indwelling me, there is a center of Mind and Love, where Power awaits my recognition.  From this inner Christ I draw greatly on God.  The inexhaustible action of Divine Mind is the power of my thinking, and I have the courage to do all things.  Directed from within, I see the falsity of external authority.  God in the midst of me is my Power and my Deliverance from all that would beset me.

Steadfastly knowing my inner strength, I am no longer appalled at what I need to meet.  Challenges change to opportunities; problems to possibilities.  Urged forward by Divine Truth, I proceed into correct action and bring forth right solutions.  I am no longer the victim of verdicts, whether they be medical, economic, age, social or financial.  I have but one Divine Verdict upon me – God declares forevermore that I am His eternal Son.  That alone is true of me, and knowing this I have no fear.  His whole Mind and Love are mine to use for right activities, and I use them with ease.

As there is no power opposed to omnipotent Mind, there is no power opposed to me as Its beloved outlet.  I now erase all opposition within my own thought, and am a free and open channel for Omnipotence.  I face all things with faith, cheer and the expectancy of good.  I am a spiritual optimist, for I know that with God’s help everything works together for good.  My life is now a victorious one, and problems dissolve as I think the Truth.  Today is filled with victory.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 6   


“The purpose of life seems to be to acquaint a man with himself.  He is not to live in the future as described to him, but to live in the real future by living to the real present. The highest revelation is that God is in every man.” 


All Mind operates at a center within me.  All Love seeks an outlet through me.  God’s action in me is my own real Self, and to It I now devote my attention. I know myself as God knows me, and all disbelief is erased from my consciousness.  Contemplating myself as a spiritual being, I realize the vast possibilities before me.  I am unconditioned by the world, for I am Mind in action.  I now become the person I have always hoped to be.  Finding the Spirit within me, I change all my opinions of myself.  No more self-limitation, no more self-condemnation.  Today, I am God’s creation and as such I move forward in life.

Watching my momentary thinking, I realize the reason I have not accomplished my heart’s desires. All stumbling blocks have been unconsciously created by myself.  I am determined to cease my own self-imposed restrictions.  God has placed no limitations upon me, and I accept my freedom to prosper. Acknowledging myself as God’s beloved expression, I think straight and make right decisions.  I now act from the God-Mind indwelling me, and my actions are worthy of Truth.  God speaks acts and loves by means of me.  Around me is an inviting Presence, and within me is all the Mind of Truths.  Knowing myself as God knows me, I move ahead to great accomplishments.

I appreciate the God Action indwelling me.  I appreciate the Life that animates me.  I praise and give thanks for my own Divinity.  I see this same Divinity in my fellowman.  All men have goodness in their hearts and greatness in their souls.  I am one with the good in all.  I am one with the universe and it’s Spiritual Source.  I am one with God and act as His representative.  Today, all men shall call me blessed, and the world will be a better place because of my action.  I am Divine and release goodness.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 5    


“A man contains all that is needful to his government within himself.  He is made a law unto himself.  All real good or evil that can befall him must be from himself.” 


I stand in a universe which responds to me.  My world being a subconscious intelligence must respond to my conscious thought, act upon it, and produce what I decree.  It has no power to resist me, and no way of not doing what I direct.  I act upon the One Mind and the world of form reacts to me in direct response.  My word is power.  My thought is a direction to the universal power and presence.  My active treatment is a command to the subconscious to produce what I want.  Knowing what I really want, I now speak with authority to my own mind, and the sum-total powers of the universe produce my command in form.  This is my power and my authority as a Son of God.

Jesus bid the waves be still, and they calmed at his word.  I now look out upon the troubles of my own experience, and declare “Peace, be still.”  Jesus demonstrated to all that God’s Power is the only Power.  I am a center of this Power, and It seeks my recognition and direction.  My thought directs It and my emotions motivate It.  I am the only authority in my world.  I may give this authority to others, to situations or to conditions, but it is my free choice to do so.  God’s action through me is only conditioned by me, and I now give It freedom to act for my good, by directing It to do so.

Nothing can happen to me, unless I am the channel through which it acts.  I now refuse all evil, all inharmony and all disease.  My mind is centered in the good, the true and the wise.  Projecting good, I experience good.  Wise in the ways of the Spirit, I know what to do and speak my word to accomplish it.  In me there is Wisdom born of God.  In me there is Love born of the Infinite Love.  I now decree their release into my experience.  I decree my own good, and this makes it a good to others.  I accept the responsibility of life.  I declare the Truth and my world must mirror only Truth.  

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 4         


“Religion in the mind is not credulity, and in practice is not form.  It is a life.  It is the order and soundness of a man.  It is not something else to be got, to be added, but is a new life of those faculties you have.  It is to do right.” 


The world would have me tarry in the old, the traditional and the past.  But, the Infinite urges me forward, bidding me to keep pace with the fresh ideas emerging from the Divine Mind.  The truth is ever new to me.  Today’s inspiration is God’s action urging me to do a creative work.  Within me now is the order and soundness of God’s man.  I need add nothing more to my wisdom, for His Mind is mine, and I now produce good works.  I practice my knowledge of God.  I give factual evidence of my faith.  Whoever sees me this day sees the Spirit at work through me.  I do the right and loving thing.

The years ahead are bright with promise.  They will be to me what I cause them to be.  I can repeat the past, or I can create new and better experiences.  God wants me to do the latter, and I now resolve to do it.  If God is forever making all things new, the He is forever making me a new person.  This constant improvement is now the basis of my thinking.  I think and act today in accordance with my plan for the future.  My present faith in Good brings that Good upon my pathway.  Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be heaven on earth.  No longer chained by the past, I freely create a new heaven and a new earth.

My religion is of today, for my God is present today.  I acknowledge Him in all my ways, and follow His mind to direct my paths. Right now I am a spiritual being, and I never shall be less.  New Ideas are the foundation of my life today, and I am their living today representative.  God walks as man through the affairs of my world, and I am that man of God.  All power is mine to use.  All blessings are mine to share.  I am victorious over the past, and I am radiant with the possibilities of the now.  I open my whole being to the next great Good that is even now appearing in my experience. 

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 3   


“Teach men that each generation begins the world afresh, in perfect freedom; that the present is not the prisoner of the past, but that today holds captive all the yesterdays, to judge, to accept, to reject their teachings, as they are shown by its own morning sun.” 


The Infinite Mind being eternal is not concerned with past, present nor future.  It knows me as a timeless being.  It offers to me all that It is, and never frowns at my lack of acceptance.  In a timeless God I allow my human thinking to become aged by experience, and then my complaints are many, and my excuses are profuse.  I use the past to explain the limitations of the present, and I fail to realize that only my acceptance of the past gives it power.  I now free my thinking from all past patterns and step forth this day as a new creature in Christ.  Too long have my alibis ensnared me.  They are as nothing when I declare the Truth.

I am of God’s generation.  My habitation is eternity, and my continuity is beyond question.  Time is my own measurement, and God knows only the Now.  I accept myself as free from the past, creative in the present and rejoicing in the future.  I inherit the ideas of God, and I dispense them with order and efficiency.  Fresh impulses come to me, and new experiences unfold before me.  God’s man is never of the past, for God knows no past.  God’s man is the man of the hour, the moment, the split second.  I am that man now.  Unconditioned by disease, I am health.  The world does not determine my prosperity, I alone determine it.  God is all that I am.

The sun of Truth shines in my world and reveals the good that is at hand.  Gone are all false leanings on family, heritage and background.  I am today what I am because of my consciousness.  Background is merely a record, it is never a fact.  Born of the Spirit, I am the Spirit and no man can convince me otherwise.  I rejoice in the Now and live in the present, finding God in every moment.     

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 2        


“The life of the soul in conscious union with the infinite shall be for thee the only real existence.” 


I live in God, the one Mind, the one Principle and the one Truth.  Body, world and material conditions are secondary to my consciousness, which is forever active in God’s Mind.  I am a mental being in a universe of mind-action, and the Law of Mind is mine to use in ways of righteousness and in ways of peace.  One with the Infinite I walk the pavements of time untouched by error and upheld by the Spirit.  From me proceeds the good, and to me comes the divine.  All of Life is now offering Itself to me, and I drink deeply of its healing waters.  My thirst for Truth is quenched, as I realize the Truth of myself as God made visible. 

The material world is not my prison, and my work is not my supply. I am the conscious director of my life, and destiny depends upon me for its fulfillment.  I am the creator of circumstances, not their victim.  I sow the good and reap the plenty.  I give out that which is of God and take in that which is of good report.  One with His perfect mind I rejoice in thinking the ever-expanding Idea of Truth.  Time and space are my tools, and thought is my only creative power.  Unbound and free, I live with ease in my knowledge of God and of His eternal presence in my fellowman.  Duality erased is unity made manifest.  My one good is God, and my one action is Good.

I walk as a person of Power.  I act as a person of Love.  I speak as the Voice of Truth.  I live as an example of what God can do in man.  Within me there is peace and around me there is right action.  The Almighty is my strength and I never fail my highest ideal.  True to all that God expects me to be, I live in right relationships with all whom I meet.  I am a blessed experience to my friends, co-workers and family.  God is visible in all that I do, say or think.  Today is my opportunity to reveal my real Self. 

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker


JUNE 1     


“Thou shalt not profess that which thou dost not believe.  Thou shalt not heed the voice of man when it agrees not with the voice of God in thine own soul.” 


To profess is easy, to practice is not easy.  All people proclaim their belief in God, but they rely on material help in every problem and pray as a last resort.  I now take my stand with myself.  I have no one other with whom to deal.  I am in my own world, and I now place God at the center and know that good appears at the circumference.  I refuse to declare my faith in God and still continue in my old material patterns of behavior. Today, the Lord becomes my physician, my lawyer, my counselor and my co-worker.  I lean not on my own understanding; I depend on Him who projected me as His own.  I shout from the housetops my own divinity.  I cry out to all, my dependence on the indwelling Spirit.

I am not a metaphysician in name only, I practice when I believe.  I pray my way out of every problem, and prove God in every experience.  The confines of my thinking extend to include the good of all.  I truly practice the Brotherhood of Man.  I see each soul as God sees him, and declare that his place in my life is one of blessing.  I am not under the material influence of nations, economic levels, nor world conditions.  I am an independent creation of a perfect Mind living in the atmosphere of my own consciousness.  What I decree in mind is my experience in the world.  I know but one Standard and one Principle – the Truth.  To these I dedicate my thought, my motives and my responses.

Within me is the true Mind of the Spirit.  It invites me to partake of Its ideas, and to prosper in all my ways.  It whispers thoughts that are contrary to human opinions and worldly wisdom.  But, I listen to the inner Wisdom and act in accordance with It.  No man can dissuade me, no group can alarm me.  I know the right, and I do the right.  I am true to my highest knowledge of God and to my greatest vision of Spiritual Man.  I am undaunted by others; I am true to my belief.   

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker