Grow with UP Church Fall 2023

Basic Truth Principles 1 – Becoming a New Thought Christian – Sundays at 3-4:30 p.m. PT
Required Texts: The New Thought Christian by William Warch and Alternatives by William L. Fischer (purchase on Amazon)
There is a quiet revolution taking place throughout the world which is in reality a sign of spiritual growth. Many people are breaking away from traditional dogmatic religious beliefs. These people seek a new definition of God, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Some have discovered new ways of thinking new thoughts on God which make common sense.
This course is an exploration of what it means to be a New Thought Christian. It is an in-depth study of the basic principles espoused by the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary and all UFBL churches, including Understanding Principles for Better Living (UP Church). It includes the origin and history of New Thought and UFBL leading to a better understanding of the principles one should apply in order to live the abundant life of which Jesus spoke.
Bible 4 – Old Testament, Metaphysical Interpretation, part 2 – Tuesdays at 6-7:30 p.m. PT
Bible 4 is a study of the metaphysical meaning of the characters and the events of the Old Testament and their relationship to our attitudes and consciousness. This course covers the Old Testament from the allegories of Genesis to the Solomon and the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
Required Text: Let There Be Light by Elizabeth Sand Turner; Book can be purchased from instructor or on Amazon.
Supplemental texts: Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Charles Fillmore; and Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore