A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. 

Proverbs 17: 22

It is sometimes difficult for people to believe that God want us to be happy.  We have been taught that to be spiritually minded usually meant to be burden-minded.  This incorrect idea is fast disappearing, for which we can give thanks.  There is no reason why any of us who will live rightly and love greatly cannot be happy right here.  The Mind which created us gave us the ability to laugh and smile.  These are healthy mental states.  They relax us and give us peace. We like people who are gay and light, as long as we know their motives are right.  We want to be like them, and the Bible states that we should be.  We need to accept the fact that the universe is planned for creative joy, and that we possess the ability to be happy in it.  God wants us to be happy people, and His Mind has given us the capacity to know joy and to express joy.  As we do this we fulfill our inheritance.

My world is filled with the joy of Spirit, and I see happiness everywhere.  Today, I express the joy of the Lord.  I refuse to be discouraged and unhappy, for I know these states of mind are not of God.  I have a God of joy and good cheer.  I have a God who created me to smile and laugh and be lighthearted as I do my work.  I am determined to have a song in my heart and a smile on my face.  Everyone I meet senses this inner happiness which God has placed within me.  They respond to it and are blessed by their contact with it.  Divine Love made this world a happy place to be filled with joyous souls rejoicing in good.  I am loving, joyous and free.  I respond to the Joy of the Spirit in all and through all.

Taken from “365 Days of Richer Living” by Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker

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